Most coveted skylines


Most of them are centuries old and constructed in perfect and steady ways that even today is hardly explicable, thick of Gothic ached ceilings. They are still today standing graciously and elegant like only they can do. My friend Vyna asked me the other day which country I would like to live in if I ever have the chance to relocate. My answer was straight forward “anywhere in Europe, where there are antique buildings to admire and cobble stone streets to stroll on” That be Paris, Munich or Istanbul I could move tomorrow in a heartbeat. How about you where would you like to live in?

 Munich via.

The magical Istanbul.

London via.


Photographs by Liz Rusby Via

6 thoughts on “Most coveted skylines

  1. quintessence

    What a tough question!! Living is certainly different than visiting. I guess I would have to choose either France or Italy – in the country but near enough to a sophisticated city!!

  2. Macarena - Chic et Posh

    Hi dear Julia! Hope you're super fine! I love visiting Belle Vivir, the pictures you post are always unique! You've made me travel far with this post. And what can I say about the pink canopy bed? AWESOME! Keep this fab! XoXo 🙂

  3. Blue Fruit

    What a wonderful topic for a post.

    I think it is the difference between each of these cities that makes them exciting and wonderful. All good, just differently so.

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